3MT celebrates the exciting research conducted by Ph.D. students. Developed by The University of Queensland, the exercise cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

Prizes will be awarded for First Place, Second Place, and People’s Choice.

NOTE: Participants are required to attend two training sessions with Scott Morgan in order to compete at the GEARS Symposium.

Winner of the 2014 UQ 3MT Dr. Megan Rossi talks about how the 3MT competition helped her career.

Preparation Workshop with Scott Morgan

From time immemorial, GEARS has been inviting Scott Morgan to play the role of a mentor for all the Ph.D. students who plan on participating in the 3MT Competition. For the academic year 2021 – 2022 too, GEARS collaborated with him and conducted a workshop.

3 Minute Thesis & Gritty Talks Training Session with Scott Morgan Fall 2021.


More About Scott Morgan:

Scott Morgan, President of The Morgan Group of Washington, DC, provides media training and public speaking tips to a variety of organizations, and universities. Morgan is a Senior Associate of the Abshire Inamori Leadership Academy, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in DC.

Scott Morgan has been teaching communication skills for 21 years. His clients include the National Institutes of Health, the Mayo Clinic, Merck, NASA, EPA, City of Hope Cancer Center, and several universities: Harvard Medical School, UNC-Chapel Hill, Cornell, Maryland, Ohio State, Minnesota, Duke, Nebraska, and NC State University, and Texas A&M. He has 25 years of broadcast experience and teaches media and communication strategy to many think tanks in the Washington DC area. Specifically,  as a Senior Associate with the Abshire Inamori Leadership Academy of the Center for Strategic and International Studies(http://csis.org/expert/scott-morgan). Scott graduated with honors from the University of California, Davis, and authored the book Speaking about Science published by Cambridge University Press.



Mustafa Al-Adhami, Winner of 3-Minute Thesis 2018 presenting his Thesis.